Yanchao's Blog

Yet another blogger!

Distributed Database Fundamentals

Distributed Database Fundamentals What Why How do we classify distributed databases Scaling Up vs Scaling Out Parallel vs Distributed Databases Analytical vs Operational Databases Architecture ......

Data Quality What & Why & How

Why is Data Quality Important Real World Data Changes in Data Collection Strategies Pre-Internet Era Internet Era Sources of Errors Dimensions of Quality How to improve Data Quality Data entry ......

Pytorch Tricky API

Table of Contents torch.mul vs torch.mm torch.matmul vs torch.bmm torch.bmm torch.matmul(input, other): more flexible torch squeeze & unsqueeze torch cat vs stack Table of Contents torch.......


SQL vs NOSQL SQL ACID properties atomicity all or nothing ! consistency data consistent (payment transaction, guaranteed by atomicity and business logic) isolation transactions are isolated ......

Functional-Light Javascript

Function Purity Side effects I/O (console, file ,etc) Database Storage Network Calls DOM TimeStamp Random Numbers Pure Function The function return values are identical for identical arguments T......

Javascript:The Recent Parts

Array Destructuring assignment expression get the whole thing that was subject to assignment 123456789101112function data (){ return [1,2,3]}var tmp;var o = [];tmp = [ o[0],] = data......

You don't know JS - Notes 3 (Objects & Prototypes)

Objects This keyword A function's this references the execution context for that call, determined entirely by how the function was called Implicit & Explicit Binding Implicit Binding 123456789......

GraphQL Basics

What is GraphQL? A spec that describes a declarative query language that your clients can use to ask an API for the exact data they want. This is achieved by creating a strongly typed Schema for yo......

Web Performance Fundamentals

Web Vitals First Contentful Paint (FCP) - RESPONSE QUICK Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - GET TO THE POINT Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) - DON'T MOVE STUFF First Contentful Paint (FID) - DON'T LOA......

You don't know JS - Notes 2 (Scopes)

Lexical Scopes Javascript as a two pass processing First pass: we could call it compilation or parsing which will go through the entire code and establish the execution plan. Second pass: we could......