Yanchao's Blog

Yet another blogger!

You don't know JS - Notes 1 (Types & Coercion)

Types Typeof operator Type has some surprising cases that could lead to bugs if carelessly handled 1234567type of doesnotExist; // undefinedvar v = null;type of v; // "object" OOPs!!!......

CSS Grids and Flexbox for Responsive Web Design (Notes)

This is my course notes which mainly summarised the best practices in web application layout. Course Github link: https://github.com/jen4web/fem-layout Responsive Design Definition Flexible grid-b......

Statistics with Python 3 - Parametric Significance Tests (Two way ANOVA)

For two way ANOVA, we have one dependent variable and two independent variable. Preconditions The prerequisite of two way ANOVA is the same as one way ANOVA: inner-group Independence: random samp......

Statistics with Python 2 - Parametric Significance Tests (One way ANOVA)

There are sometimes situations where we may have multiple independent data samples. We can perform the Student’s t-test pairwise on each combination of the data samples to get an idea of which samp......

Statistics with Python 1 - Parametric Significance Tests

Parametric statistical tests assume that a data sample was drawn from a specific population distribution. They often refer to statistical tests that assume the Gaussian distribution. Because it is ......

Machine Learning with Python 1 - Linear Regression

As the most common way of addressing regression issues, linear regression model stands out for its simple mathematical idea and easy implementation in computer language. The results of linear regr......

Kubernetes for developer

Kubernetes API Primitives Kubernetes API primitive, also known as Kubernetes objects, are the basic building blocks of any application running in Kubernetes. Building and managing Kubernetes applic......

Kubernetes for newbies

What is Kubernetes and what does it do Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool for the automated management of conatinerized applications. Three major benefits of a orchestration tool * help m......

Use Scala in Springboot Application

A great advantage of scala is that one could mix scala and java so that we coud easily integrate some new features developped in scala into some existing projet developped in Java, as they both ru......

Interesting facts about Scala

Some interesting facts that I discoverd when I learn Scala. Basics Lazy keyword In scala, the keyword lazy could be very useful if we are refering to big resources that we won't need in the first......