Yanchao's Blog

Yet another blogger!

Spark Core - Intro

An introduction to spark core: including its key concepts, architecture, cache system, lineage mecanism, dependency mecanism and tuning techinques. Architecture - Each application gets its own e......

Spark Core - RDD

An introduction to the basic abstraction in spark - RDD and several RDD programming examples. What is RDD Github Spark RDD source code 1234abstract class RDD[T: ClassTag]( @transient private v......

JVM runtime system and garbage collection

A summary of the Java memory model and how garbage collection works. (JDK8) Internal Architecture of JVM Java was developed with the concept of WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere), which runs on a VM......

File Transfer vs Message Transfer and Framing Model

In the last post, I have illustrated a simple way to address sticky & lost package during socket transfer, which works for small messages. In this post, I would like to draw out attention to F......

Socket transfer sticky & lost package problem and general solution

Recently, I have been learning some socket programing skills. Thanks to @_qiujuer_, I finally came to get the hang of the mysterious Sticky & Lost Package Problem and had a way to address it. ......